Fire Island yesterday. Located off of Long Island,
Fire Island is a well known, diverse vacation destination for locals and is particularly attractive for its no cars policy. Its possible to walk the whole island by foot if you wanted to. I however just went to a section called Sailor's Haven to see the
Sunken Forest, a small (1.5 mi) 250 yr old maritime forest located between the bay side and ocean side of the island. It's nestled in btwn dunes which is said to give it a sunken appearance (although that was not my experience I didn't ever feel I was below sea level).

I missed the ferry to Sailor's Haven so I had to take the ferry to Cherry Grove instead and then walk about a mile down beach.

The beach was pretty empty. Which was nice. Its rare to feel a sense of space so near the city. I was really relishing the feeling of solitude.

My version of beach strolling. Notice the full covering of feet with socks. I'm not a big fan of sand. Why go to the beach then? I'm not sure. It always seems like a good idea, like, oh its summer I should go to the beach. Then I get to the beach and think, why am I here?

Someone's driftwood sculpture.

Arrive at Sunken Forest. It looks like the coast of California almost.

Apparently there is alot of deer on the island. How did they get there in the first place is what I want to know. Do deer swim?

Having grown up in Pennsylvania, I'm used to seeing white tail deer. I'm not, however, used to getting this close to them! It always freaks me out when wild animals don't run away when you get up close to them. If they don't run away it usually means they have rabies. This deer could care less about my presence.

Being able to be so close, I noticed how bug ridden and mangy it was. Look at those ears! I don't know if those are sores, or bites or what.
(here's the answer).
It was totally freaking me out though.

It had bugs all over its face and body too. Poor deer. I always thought of them as beautiful, graceful creatures.

Leaving. Bye Fire Island.

I now know why they recommend bug repellent when visiting forest. I got feasted on! On the ferry back it looked like I had chicken pox from all the red bites on my arms, legs and neck. yuck.
Dude. You just blew my mind with that "how do deer get on an island?" comment.