What a weird day, first Farrah and then quite unexpectedly Michael Jackson. When I was around 8 yrs old or so I started a Michael Jackson fan club with my next door neighbor. It entailed wearing pins, trading stickers and I think we might have written letters. I can't recall all that went on in the Michael Jackson fan club except that this was right when "Thriller" came out and we were hooked. The fan club lasted a whole summer (a long time when you're 8) and then I lost interest, and I never liked Michael Jackson again after that. I guess I moved on in my musical tastes (to Prince) and never went back. As an adult I've had no idea what to think of him. He was a white woman trapped in a black man's body? He married Elvis' daughter? He has 3 white kids, one named Blanket (what the heck is going to happen to those kids now? hopefully intensive psychotherapy), not to mention the pedophilia and the subsequent escape to Dubai. I don't know. He just turned inhuman to me, not even a caricature, just not of this world. But who on the planet (over the age of 10) has not heard of Michael Jackson? His name is synonymous with Pop Culture and of course pop music. Its almost weird to imagine he died, he was mortal? I can only imagine the onslaught of media in the days to come and will be curious as to what the funeral will entail. But tonite, I will think back fondly to that summer of Thriller and Billie Jean and Beat it and P.Y.T. and Don't Stop Till You Get Enough. RIP.
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