I went for a much needed massage today. My neck and shoulders have been uncomfortably tight and stiff. My massage therapist, who I've been going to for about 3yrs now, took good care of me. I completely trust her and she knows what she's doing. There is a world of difference between getting a massage from any generic place and getting a massage with a licensed therapist. I've experienced both and they can't even be considered the same really. During a generic massage they randomly knead your flesh like ground meat and just squeeze and rub. Its painful and totally ineffective. A licensed therapist on the other hand, uses multiple techniques, pressure points, is focused, and productive. I had two hard knots in my back by my shoulder blades (due to my poor posture at the computer which I constantly sit in front of) she applied strong pressure on certain points of my back and shoulders along with general swedish massage strokes. I left feeling lighter and looser. Sometimes I get massage for depression, which is a whole different set of points and techniques, and when I leave I feel like I'm high. I have to keep reminding myself I'm completely sober! I find massage and
acupressure (and acupuncture) to be amazing things and highly recommend to anyone, even if its just for a general tune-up.
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